Open Space 2017

The “Open Space”discussions are intended to help us to explore practical engagement in local, national and international environmental issues.

During “Open Space” from 3.00-4.00pm conference attenders will be able to participate in a number of small discussions, each lasting c.15 minutes, so any individual should be able to attend three.  The subject choices will be those represented by the four TED talks earlier in the day plus additional subjects as indicated below.

The intention is that experts will facilitate discussion on practical actions that attenders could take.

For details of facilitators and their organisations please see Speakers

Open Space topics are as follows:

Bishop Graham Cray – Fracking
Further discussion and  Q&A about practical responses to fracking, following Graham’s TED talk.

Dr Vicky Dunn – Community Energy
Discussion & Q&A about installing renewable energy on local buildings, following Vicky’s TED talk.

Mark Schofield – Sustainable Burial grounds
Cheaper and more environmentally sustainable ways to manage your burial grounds.

Judi Perry – Divestment from fossil fuels
How to engage with the BIG SHIFT campaign supported by Christian Aid.

Billie Anderson – Switching to Green Energy suppliers
How can individuals and churches switch to green energy suppliers?  Tearfund, with Christian Aid, is part of the Big church switch and has a “Renew our World campaign”.

Rev Andrew Hall & team – Eco Church
Making church more eco-friendly and sustainable with the support of the A Rocha Eco Church scheme.

Rev Alan Robson – Food supply chain in Lincoln/shire

Lincoln City Food Strategy and its vision and Green Synergy and their new City Farm on Hillside nr Abbey ward. How can we work towards a sustainable food supply for Lincoln, tackling food poverty and eliminating waste?

Melanie Carroll – Forest Church
Explore with the Forest Church community the connection that many people feel between nature and and something bigger than themselves.